Top ten best LCD Soundsystem songs
LCD Soundsystem's highly anticipated new album "American Dream" is out September 1st. Everytime a band with a near-perfect discography (which is the case for LCD) releases a new album, people get mixed feelings. There is the frightening feeling that the new album might be the one where the group eventually drop the ball and make a shitty record. At the same time, there is always the great expectation for another amazing record. These ambiguous feelings about "American Dream" are hitting us hard. So to ease the tension we made our top ten LCD Soundsystem songs, which gave us a chance to revisit the band's stellar discography and confirm that James Murphy and his crew are one of the best things that happened to music in the last 15 years. Hopefully after listening to "American Dreams", we'll need to add some new songs to this Top Ten. Check out all the lists, ranks, top fives we've made so far here ! 10) Losing My Edge Album: LCD Soundsy...